It's like watching the Jetsons, but it's reality. Personal jetpacks are looking to be available some time this fall. How cool would it be to take ariel photos by flying with your own jetpack?? (although from the photos and videos, they may have to be refined a bit more to be able to shoot and fly at the same time...but anything's possible). Here is an article from TechNews Daily about the Martin Jetpack coming this fall:
Glenn Martin, a biochemist from New Zealand, "perfected the current design by building jetpack prototypes in his garage." The jetpacks will start being sold between $90-100,000.00 by Martin Aircraft Company. Read more here in another article from io9 about the pack as well:
Well, I must say, it's about time. Now that jetpacks will soon be here, it's beginning to feel like the 21st Centurey. Bring on the underwater cities and colony on the moon.